Austria, Europe, Germany

Results Bergrennen Esthofen – Sankt Agatha 2017

The Bergrennen Esthofen – Sankt Agatha in Austria was competed with record speeds. Not only numerous class records fell, also the absolute trackrecord came down one second. Winner Christian Merli managed to go under last year’s record, which was also his, in both races. The European vice-champion managed to complete the 3,2 kilometres in just over 62 seconds. That gives an average speed of 185,42 seconds!!

Behind the Italian three drivers fought for the remaining two podium spots. Patrik Zajelsnik was the fastest of them in the first race. However the Germano-Slovene was the only one who could not improve his time in the second race session. Marcel Steiner did not benefit and remained behind Zajelsnik. Sébastien Petit on the other hand improved his time quite a lot. The new French champion hopped from fourth to second in the overall results. The Czech Dusan Neveril finished in fifth, just in front of Christoph Lampert. It was a great performance by Lampert to place his Osella PA2000 in between the more powerful 3 litre cars. He was also the best driver from Austria.

The touringcars were dominated by local Austrian racers. Karl Schagerl was quickest despite some serious engine problems in practise. Herbert Pregartner made his first appearance of the year in his home country and immediately finished second. Felix Pailer completed the podium after beating Bulgarian Nikolay Zlatkov. Thomas Strasser was the best driver in the competitive E1 2000 class. He also takes the most important class victory in the Berg-Cup.

The Esthofen – Sankt Agatha Hillclimb was also a round of the International Hillclimb Cup. Vaclav Janik is already champion in Category 2. The Czech driver finished 8th overall in Austria. In Category 3 Karl Schagerl takes a 21 point lead over Karel Trneny and is almost certain of the title. In Category 1 the championship is still wide-open. Laszlo Hernadi competed in the most events: 8 of the 9. He took victory in six of them, but all with half-points. That means he now has a 1 point disadvantage on Gabriella Pedroni. Pedroni was present at 6 of the 9 events and won only twice. However most of her points were full. A third driver suddenly appeared in the mix at Sankt Agatha. Reinhold Taus contested just 4 of the 9 events so far but won them all with full points. This gives the Austrian 100 points, just 3,5 behind Pedroni and 2,5 behind Hernadi.

23-24/09/2017 – Bergrennen Esthofen – Sankt Agatha
Pos.Last NameFirst NameCarCl.Final
1 MerliChristianOsella FA30E2-SS 30002:04,294
2 PetitSebastienNorma M20 FC MugenE2-SC 30002:09,834
3 ZajelsnikPatrikNorma M20 FCE2-SC 30002:10,153
4 SteinerMarcelLobArt LA01 MugenE2-SC 30002:10,216
5 NeverilDusanNorma M20 FCE2-SC 30002:15,187
6 LampertChristophOsella PA2000E2-SC 20002:19,594
7 SzaszLaszloReynard ZytekE2-SS 30002:20,029
8 JanikVaclavNorma M20 FCE2-SC 30002:20,112
9 HinAlexanderOsella PA20/SE2-SC 30002:21,503
10 MadrianFerdinandNorma M20FE2-SC 30002:23,311
11 AmannPeterOsella PA2000E2-SC 20002:25,469
12 VondrakPetrOsella PA21/SE2-SC 20002:28,305
13 SchagerlKarlVolkswagen Golf Rallye TFSI-RE1 +20002:29,404
14 StollnbergerAndreasDallara F302E2-SS 20002:30,814
15 BurgermeisterJoelOsella PA21/JRBE2-SC 20002:30,970
16 SvobodaJiriLola B02/50E2-SS 30002:32,265
17 PregartnerHerbertPorsche 911 GT2E1 +20002:32,528
18 ZajelsnikAlexanderNorma M20FE2-SC 30002:33,379
19 PailerFelixLancia Delta IntegraleE1 +20002:33,651
20 KaufmannHannesDallara F307E2-SS 20002:34,287
21 ZlatkovNikolayAudi Quattro S1E1 +20002:34,698
22 BoricLukasTracking RC01E2-SH 20002:35,038
23 KarlWernerAudi S2-R QuattroE1 +20002:35,701
24 RamlerPeterAudi S1RE2-SH 65002:36,295
25 BrebsomNicolasNorma M20 FCE2-SC 30002:36,298
26 StrasserThomasVolkswagen SciroccoE1 20002:36,450
27 LangGeorgTatuus RenaultE2-SS 20002:36,934
28 TrnenyKarelSkoda Fabia WRCE1 +20002:37,020
29 WilhelmPhilippNorma M20F NissanE2-SC 30002:37,142
30 HovemannHolgerOpel Kadett GT/RE2-SH 65002:37,705
31 NeumayrChristopherFord Escort IRSE1 20002:38,331
32 HandaNorbertLancia Delta IntegraleE1 +20002:38,654
33 WiedenhoferStefanMitsubishi MirageE1 +20002:38,868
34 ProbstFranzVolkswagen Golf RE1 20002:39,832
35 SeidlManuelPorsche 997 GT3 CupE1 +20002:40,101
36 KaveczIstvanBMW E90E1 +20002:40,236
37 SchmitterPhilippeLamborghini Gallardo GT3E1 +20002:40,244
38 BertoFrancoNorma M20FE2-SC 20002:40,245
39 PreisserDirkOpel Kadett CE1 20002:40,536
40 MeixnerRichardNorma M20FE2-SC 20002:40,580
41 SternadDiethardAlfa Romeo 156 STWE1 20002:40,714
42 DudaGrzegorzHyundai i20E1 +20002:40,979
43 Lustif-JungwirthDietmarFord Escort CosworthE1 +20002:42,240
44 FaulhaberStefanOpel Kadett CE1 16002:43,032
45 ReichMarkusVolkswagen Golf IIE1 20002:44,172
46 RoiderFranzFord Mondeo STWE1 20002:44,245
47 EllerHans-PeterVolkswagen SciroccoE1 14002:44,312
48 RauchMichaelOpel KadettE1 20002:45,845
49 SpecklChristianVolkswagen GolfE1 16002:46,555
50 SchneiderChristianPeugeot 205 RS16E1 16002:46,735
51 WeissWernerFord Escort RSE1 20002:46,833
52 GöserGünterOpel Kadett CE1 +20002:46,900
53 WimmerNorbertBMW 2002E1 20002:46,933
54 BürkiMartinBMW 318i STWE1 20002:47,376
55 HeiselLarsOpel KadettE1 20002:47,407
56 SchulteManfredCitroën AX Kit-CarE1 16002:47,523
57 EhrleBerndOpel KadettE1 20002:47,674
58 WeissdornFranzVolkswagen Polo GTE1 14002:48,213
59 Strasser jr.NorbertToyota CorollaE1 16002:48,248
60 HolzerDieterMitsubishi Lancer EVO VIIIN +20002:48,391
61 HartlRolandMitsubishi Lancer EVO VIA +20002:48,446
62 TarmannJosefDallara F302 MercedesE2-SS 20002:48,485
63 PermetingerBernhardBMW M3 E30E1 +20002:48,579
64 FiauschHeikoOpel Astra STWE1 20002:48,719
65 RöckSabineVolkswagen Golf I TurboE1 +20002:48,736
66 TausReinholdSubaru Impreza STiA +20002:48,797
67 ReiterNicolasFord Escort MK1E1 20002:48,944
68 MoserGerhardVolkswagen PoloE1 14002:49,076
69 BuckErwinVolkswagen Scirocco IE1 16002:50,136
70 PaulickRalphVolkswagen Golf GTIE1 20002:50,196
71 WeberJensOpel Kadett CE1 20002:50,208
72 SchneiderValentinVolkswagen GolfE1 16002:50,852
73 GlasWolfgangVolkswagen Golf IE1 16002:51,612
74 LenzBernhardBMW M3 E36E2-SH 65002:51,800
75 ProbhardtPeterMitsubishi Lancer EVO IXN +20002:52,000
76 DaurerHaraldVolkswagen Golf IE1 20002:52,193
77 RuchReneFerrari F458 GTE1 +20002:52,209
78 BlaslHermannOpel KadettE1 20002:52,253
79 ChristallRolandOpel Ascona BE1 20002:52,649
80 KnoblichHelmutMini Cooper SE1 +20002:52,984
81 KellndorferMartinOpel Kadett CE1 20002:52,991
82 AbbNilsVolkswagen PoloE1 14002:53,945
83 DuscherFrankVolkswagen PoloE1 14002:54,518
84 GappMarcelBMW M3E1 +20002:54,997
85 DatzreiterStefanVolkswagen Polo Kit-CarE1 20002:55,195
86 MayerTobiasVolkswagen PoloE1 14002:55,450
87 MaierHelmutVolkswagen GolfE1 16002:55,809
88 KlausRobertPeugeot 205 RSE1 16002:57,827
89 RaabManuelOpel CorsaE1 20002:57,926
90 ReinRichardFord CapriE1 20002:58,049
91 EndressMichaelAudi 80 CoupéE1 20002:58,705
92 TerschlWolfgangProsport LM3000E2-SC 30002:58,758
93 PiantoniBrunoMaserati GhibliE1 +20003:00,128
94 JudWernerVolkswagen Golf IIE1 20003:00,971
95 PreiserThomasFord Puma S1600A 20003:01,408
96 SchlottDominikVolkswagen PoloE1 14003:01,490
97 SteinerJürgenVolkswagen Golf IE1 20003:01,562
98 WeberMichaelAudi 80 QuattroE1 +20003:02,338
99 HutterGregorAlfa Romeo 145E1 16003:02,722
100 PedroniGabriellaMitsubishi Lancer EVO IXN +20003:03,014
101 MayerChris-AndreHonda Civic Type-RN 20003:03,143
102 LombardoAntoineLola B02/50E2-SS 30003:03,383
103 SchulteBenediktCitroën AX SportE1 16003:03,401
104 RamicAdoHonda Civic Type-RA 20003:03,458
105 KohlerThomasFiat X1/9E1 14003:03,626
106 ReitbauerMarkusBMW 123DE1 +20003:03,784
107 StelbergThomasVolkswagen PoloE1 11503:03,865
108 EberleJörgFiat 127 SuperE1 11503:04,034
109 HülsmannMarkusVolkswagen Golf IE1 14003:04,193
110 KlapfenböckStefanieBMW M3 E30E1 +20003:04,399
111 CollisiStephanBehnke Condor BMWE2-SC 20003:05,036
112 SchlachterKarl-HeinzBMW 2002 Tii AlpinaE1 +20003:05,305
113 HernadiLaszloMitsubishi Lancer EVO IX R4A +20003:05,911
114 BodnerChristianBMW 320isE1 20003:05,953
115 SuppanManfredSkoda Octavia Kit-CarE1 20003:06,280
116 GasserMarkusVolkswagen Golf GTIE1 20003:06,759
117 GasslerBernhardHonda Civic Type-RN 20003:06,952
118 CossuToninoHonda Civic Type-RA 20003:07,254
119 DebowskiMaciejSubaru ImprezaE1 +20003:08,126
120 Altmann jr.DieterPeugeot 405E1 20003:08,439
121 GrossauerJürgenSuzuki Swift S1600A 20003:08,461
122 OhrhallingerKonradBMW M3E2-SH 65003:09,603
123 SchuttingWolfgangRenault Clio WilliamsN 20003:10,337
124 RaithMarkusHonda Civic Type-RN 20003:10,736
125 WinklerStefanFiat 127E1 14003:10,889
126 PairederFranzPeugeot 206A 20003:13,355
127 AmannJohannaRenault Clio RS IIIE1 20003:13,702
128 EbenhöhSilviaVolkswagen PoloE1 14003:14,051
129 SchauperlKarl-HeinzVolkswagen BeetleE1 +20003:18,351
130 FlechlPatrickOpel Astra GSiN 20003:20,000
131 WilferWernerFord EscortE1 20003:20,221
132 FaberJosefOpel Kadett C CoupéE1 20003:21,071
133 KurzWalterSimca Rallye IIE1 14003:23,574
134 GrossauerThomasSuzuki SwiftN 20003:25,287
135 BrandtMarkusFord PumaA 20003:26,589
136 AltenederJosefBMW E36E2-SH 65003:29,133
137 KlagesJürgenOpel Astea F GSiE1 20003:29,285
138 HausleitnerChristophMazda 323 GTRA +20003:29,407
139 WeissenböckFranzFormula Alfa BoxerE2-SS 20003:29,786
140 SchwendingerRobertSeat Ibiza CupraA 20003:30,942
141 KollerSeppAlfa Romeo 147A 20003:31,335
142 SchwendingerChristianOpel CalibraA 20003:33,116
143 StinglPatrickMitsubishi ColtA +20003:33,980
144 MossbruggerErnstMitsubishi Lancer EVO VIIIE1 +20003:51,844

23-24/09/2017 – Bergrennen Esthofen – Sankt Agatha (Historic)
Pos.Last NameFirst NameCarCl.Final
1 RutterChristianPRC S2000HBCH 20002:51,765
2 KrammerJohannAlfa Romeo Alfasud Ti3/C23:06,446
3 AignerFranzVolkswagen Golf3/C43:08,515
4 PieberWolfgangBMW E30 323i4/D33:08,956
5 PrantlReinholdPorsche 911 Carrera3/C33:09,496
6 UlzPatrickAlfa Romeo Sud Ti3/C43:09,706
7 RennerChristianOpel Ascona B3/C23:09,799
8 SixRomanPRC CN07HBCH 20003:10,061
9 ZöchlingManfredVolkswagen Golf I4/D23:11,917
10 GratzerAugustLancia Beta Montecarlo3/C53:13,723
11 NeubauerHerbertLancia Delta Integrale4/D63:14,069
12 StrannerKarlheinzFiat 131 Abarth3/C23:14,844
13 HocheckerAdiOpel Kadett C Coupé3/C23:16,148
14 LernpassPhilippVolkswagen Derby3/C13:32,377
15 LenaEnricoLancia Fulvia Coupé2/B43:32,992
16 HolzerChristianSteyr Puch 650 TR1/A13:34,876
17 LabnerReinhardAustin Mini Cooper S1/A33:38,293
18 FischerGerdFord Escort 1300 GT2/B33:40,905
19 FreudenschussWilliBMW E304/D33:44,926
20 StietkaWaltherVolkswagen Beetle 13022/B43:46,466
21 SeethalerAlexanderSteyr Puch 650 TR1/A13:55,189
22 EsterbauerJohannesSteyr Puch 650 TR1/A14:03,043
23 KremelGüntherVolkswagen Beetle 13022/B44:04,857
24 JudHansJaguar XK1201/A64:26,283
25 KoglerHelmutLotus 22 FJHBCH 16005:35,151

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1 Comment

  1. Wery Intresting results, Thanks

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