
Calendar Spanish Regional Hillclimbs 2019

Below is a summary of all the regional hillclimb championships in Spain. All except for La Rioja, as this small state has not released its hillclimb calendar yet.

At this moment 123 hillclimbs are scheduled. The first four take place this weekend, the very last is scheduled for the 15th of December.


07-08/03/2020Subida a AlgarArcos de la FronteraAndalusia
CANCELLEDSubida a Estepona Peñas BlancasEsteponaAndalusia
CANCELLEDSubida A UbriqueUbriqueAndalusia
CANCELLEDSubida Villa de NoalejoNoalejoAndalusia
CANCELLEDSubida a Ciudad de MontoroMontoroAndalusia
CANCELLEDSubida a Colmenar - Montes de MálagaColmenarAndalusia
CANCELLEDSubida a CasarabonelaCasarabonelaAndalusia
CANCELLEDSubida al Cerro de los Cañones (Lanjarón)LanjarónAndalusia
CANCELLEDSubida a La MotaAlcala la RealAndalusia
26-27/09/2020Subida a Ciudad de BerjaBerjaAndalusia
10-11/10/2020Subida a VejerVejer de la FronteraAndalusia
24-25/10/2020Subida del MármolMacaelAndalusia
07-08/11/2020Subida a CastellarCastellarAndalusia
21-22/11/2020Subida a TrassierraCordobaAndalusia
Thirteen Hillclimbs will take place in Andalucia in 2019 and they are all double-headers. The hillclimbs are the same as last year with one exception. The rather famous Subida a La Mota will not take place.


CANCELLEDSubida Internacional al FitoArriondasAsturias
CANCELLEDSubida a MuncoPola de SieroAsturias
25-26/07/2020Subida Santo EmilianoLangreoAsturias
CANCELLEDSubida a la Faya de los LobosBarredosAsturias
22/08/2020Subida a CastrillónCastrillónAsturias
26-27/09/2020Subida Villa de PraviaPraviaAsturias
18/10/2020Subida a La CobertoriaBarzanaAsturias
Just six hillclimbs in the Asturias this year. But among those six are some of the most important hillclimbs a regional driver can compete in. One of them of course is the Spanish Round of the European Championship, the Subida Al Fito.

Balearic Islands

15/02/2020Pujada ValldemossaValldemosaBaleares
CANCELLEDPujada Aigües BlanquesCala de Sant VincentBaleares
CANCELLEDPuigMajor RevivalSóllerBaleares
CANCELLEDPujada Dual Coll de sa CreuPalma de MallorcaBaleares
CANCELLEDPujada Dual Coll de sa CreuPalma de MallorcaBaleares
CANCELLEDPujada Castell de Son MasAndratxBaleares
22/08/2020Pujada a Sant SalvadorFelanitxBaleares
03-04/10/2020Pujada PuigMajorSóllerBaleares
16-17/10/2020Subida Isla de Ibiza (Pujada a Sa Cala)Sant Vicenç de Sa CalaBaleares
28/11/2020Pujada Pollença LlucPollençaBaleares
Nine Hillclimbs are scheduled on the Balearic Islands this year. Seven of them will take place on Mallorca while the other two will be competed on Ibiza. The championship started today with the Pujada Valldemossa of which you will read more later.

Basque Country

CANCELLEDSubida a OpakuaOpakuaBasque
CANCELLEDSubida a GorlaBergaraBasque
CANCELLEDSubida a SalinasEskoriatzaBasque
22/08/2020Subida a AiaAiaBasque
05/09/2020Subida a Bakio - JataBakioBasque
CANCELLEDSubida a SollubeBermeoBasque
19-20/09/2020Subida a JaizkibelLezoBasque
18/10/2020Subida a UrrakiAzpeitiaBasque
The Championship of the Basque Country currently consists of 8 events. However the Subida a Udana might be added at a later date. There is one new event, the Subida a Sollube, which replaces the Subida a San Migel.

Canary Islands

15/02/2020Subida a Palo BlancoPalo BlancoCanary Islands
CANCELLEDSubida a Montaña AltaGuiaCanary Islands
CANCELLEDSubida a TejedaTejedaCanary Islands
CANCELLEDSubida a San IsidroBreña AltaCanary Islands
CANCELLEDSubida a Los LorosArafoCanary Islands
CANCELLEDSubida a La PasadillaIngenioCanary Islands
CANCELLEDSubida a Guía de Isora *Playa San JuanCanary Islands
CANCELLEDSubida a ArucasArucasCanary Islands
CANCELLEDSubida a Santo DomingoSanta DomingoCanary Islands
CANCELLEDSubida al Mirador de GüimarGüimarCanary Islands
CANCELLEDSubida a Betancuria *BetancuriaCanary Islands
CANCELLEDSubida a Hermigua - La CarboneraHermiguaCanary Islands
01/08/2020Subida a JuncalilloJuncalilloCanary Islands
02/08/2020Subida a Barlovento *BarloventoCanary Islands
05/09/2020Subida a La Cumbre *FronteraCanary Islands
CANCELLEDSubida a San Miguel de AbonaSan Miguel de AbonaCanary Islands
03/10/2020Subida a TamaimoTamaimoCanary Islands
10/10/2020Subida Ville de Moya *MoyaCanary Islands
17/10/2020Subida a Alajeró *AlajeróCanary Islands
CANCELLEDSubida Arona - La EscalonaAronaCanary Islands
07/11/2020Subida a Icod - La GuanchaLa GuanchaCanary Islands
21/11/2020Subida a FatagaSan BartoloméCanary Islands
21/11/2020Subida a San BartoloméSan BartoloméCanary Islands
05/12/2020Subida de Haría *HaríaCanary Islands
* State Championship With 25 events the Canary Islands is the busiest hillclimb region of Spain. There are three independent motorsport federations on the Canary Islands and they do not coordinate their dates. There is also a pan-Canarian Championship with seven rounds on seven different islands. A couple of different names appear on the calendar compared to last year. They are not new events but classics that are rotated back into the championship.


CANCELLEDSubida de AlisasLa CavadaCantabria
CANCELLEDSubida a La Braguía - Valle de CarriedoSelayaCantabria
08/08/2020Subida Peña CabargaSantanderCantabria
22/08/2020Subida a La Bien AparecidaMarrónCantabria
12/09/2020Subida a La GranjaSamanoCantabria
24/10/2020Subida Tierra DuraSecaduraCantabria
08/11/2020Subida a Laredo - SeñaLaredoCantabria
Six hillclimbs are scheduled in Cantabria. A seventh, the Subida a Secadura, might be added later in the year.

Castilla La Mancha

CANCELLEDSubida a la Atalaya de SegurillaSegurillaCastilla La Mancha
CANCELLEDSubida Al PiélagoEl Real de San VicenteCastilla La Mancha
Castilla La Mancha is a very large state. It is however not very motorsport-oriented. Just two hillclimbs are scheduled.

Castilla y Leon

CANCELLEDSubida Vega de EspinaredaVega de EspinaredaCastilla Leon
CANCELLEDSubida Al Puerto de El BoquerónEl HerradónCastilla Leon
CANCELLEDSubida a Riego de AmbrósMolinasecaCastilla Leon
CANCELLEDSubida Sotillo de la Adrada - CasillasSotillo de la AdradaCastilla Leon
01-02/08/2020Subida a La PizarraLa BañaCastilla Leon
19-20/09/2020Subida CharraLa HoyaCastilla Leon
10-11/10/2020Subida al Parque del CastilloSoriaCastilla Leon
The calendar in Castilla y Leon looks the same as last year. The new Subida a Mijares was on the schedule back then but was not competed. Hopefully it will go on as planned in 2019.


CANCELLEDPujada a Sant Mateu de BagesCallúsCatalunya
CANCELLEDPujada a La TronaVicCatalunya
CANCELLEDPujada Alp 2500AlpCatalunya
CANCELLEDPujada Al FarellCaldes de MontbuiCatalunya
19/09/2020Pujada AlcoverAlcoverCatalunya
18/10/2020Pujada UllastrellUllastrellCatalunya
08/11/2020Pujada Vall del Tenes - Sant Feliu de CodinesSt. Feliu de CodinesCatalunya
29/11/2020Pujada a Les VentosesSt Jaume dels DomenysCatalunya
Nine events are scheduled in Catalunya. Sadly the legendary Pujada a Prades is not one them. Also the Pujada a Guardiola is not returning. Instead the Pujada a La Trona reappears on the calendar.


29/02/2020Subida a FeriaFeriaExtremadura
CANCELLEDSubida a TentudiaExtremadura
CANCELLEDSubida a LucenaExtremadura
CANCELLEDSubida Sierra de GataExtremadura
CANCELLEDSubida al Valle del JerteValdastillasExtremadura
Three hillclimbs are scheduled in Extremadura this year. The local championship also counts three other events in Andalucia and Castilla La Manca.


CANCELLEDSubida a Chantada ***ChantadaGalicia
CANCELLEDSubida A PontenovaA PontenovaGalicia
CANCELLEDSubida Pontevedra - AlmofreiPontevedraGalicia
CANCELLEDSubida Cerdedo - CotobadeCotobadaGalicia
CANCELLEDSubida a PontecaldelasPonte CaldelasGalicia
22-23/08/2020Subida a SaletaCarballiñoGalicia
CANCELLEDSubida A EstradaA EstradaGalicia
CANCELLEDSubida A Escusa PoioPontevedraGalicia
19-20/09/2020Subida a Concello de MarínMarínGalicia
03-04/10/2020Subida OiaOiaGalicia
CANCELLEDSubida a TaboadelaTaboadelaGalicia
31/10-01/11/2020Subida a MorgadanesGalicia
28-29/11/2020Subida a DumbriaOlveiraGalicia
*** Non-Championship The Galician Hillclimbs Championship grows to 11 events this year. The Subida a Cerdedo – Cotobade is dropped but in return four events are added. Two brand-new hillclimbs plus the return of the Subida a Saleta and the Subida a Xunqueira de Ambia.

Comunidad de Madrid

18/07/2020Subida a Colmenar de OrejaColmenar de OrejaMadrid
08/08/2020Subida a El Vellón - Memorial Leon de CosEl VellónMadrid
CANCELLEDSubida Sotillo de la Adrada - CasillasSotillo de la AdradaCastilla Leon
19/09/2020Subida La CabreraLa CabreraMadrid
24/10/2020Subida a St. Maria de la AlamedaSt. Maria de la AlamedaMadrid
28-29/11/2020Subida al Pico de San PedroMadrid
The Subida a Santa Maria de La Alameda returns to Madrid Hillclimb Championship. Four more hillclimbs are competed in the mountains around the capital. The championship is completed with the two events in Castilla La Mancha.


CANCELLEDPujada Agost - MaigmóAgostMurcia
CANCELLEDSubida a Bahía de MazarrónMazarrónMurcia
CANCELLEDSubida Casa de Cristo - MoratallaMoratallaMurcia
CANCELLEDSubida al Cerro de los Cañones (Lanjarón)LanjarónAndalusia
26-27/09/2020Subida a La SantaTotanaMurcia
15/11/2020Subida a RamoneteRamoneteMurcia
The Murcian Hillclimb Championship consists of 6 events, four in Murcia itself and for the first time also two in the neighbouring states.


CANCELLEDSubida a IzpegiErratzuNavarra
CANCELLEDSubida a IbardinBeraNavarra
CANCELLEDSubida a Palomeras de EtxalarEtxalarNavarra
03/10/2020Subida a UrbasaOlaztiNavarra
31/10/2020Subida Valle Goñi - OlloGoñiNavarra
The Navarran Hillclimb Championship remains inside the state this year. All four events are competed at home.

Comunidad Valenciana

CANCELLEDPujada Agost - MaigmóAgostValenciana
CANCELLEDSubida al Castell de GuadalestGuadalestValenciana
CANCELLEDSubida al Coll del VidreAtzenetaValenciana
13/09/2020Subida a ZucainaZucainaValenciana
CANCELLEDSubida a Les Revoltes d'IbiIbiValenciana
22/11/2020Subida a Utiel -Trofeo Metálicas PonceUtielValenciana
13/12/2020Subida a Villa de ChelvaChelvaValenciana
The Comunidad Valenciana has the longest season in Europe. The championships starts this weekend and nine events later it finishes mid-december. The Guadalest and Ibi Hillclimbs are double-headers, so there are 11 points paying hillclimbs in total.

No Hillclimbs in Aragon this year.

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