
Calendar Italian Historic Hillclimb Championship 2018

The Italian Historic Hillclimb Championship will count 10 events in 2018. They are the same races that were competed this year. There are also four non-championship events scheduled. One of them is the legendary Bologna – Raticosa Hillclimb that was last contested in 2015. Of course the Historics are also allowed to drive as support in the modern events, for those dates you will need to see the other calendar.

CANCELLEDLago MontefiasconeMontefiascone
POSTPONEDCamucia - CortonaCamucia
POSTPONEDTrofeo Lodovico Scarfiotti - Sarnano SassotettoSarnano
POSTPONEDScarperia - GiogoScarperia
POSTPONEDPieve Santo Stefano Passo dello SpinoPieve Santo Stefano
POSTPONEDBologna RaticosaPianoro Vecchio
CANCELLEDFloriopoli - CerdaCerda
CANCELLEDCesana - SestriereCesana Torinese
CANCELLEDLimabetone - Trofeo Fabio DantiAbetone
12-13/09/2020Cronoscalata Monte EricheTrapani
26-27/09/2020Coppa del Chianti ClassicoCastellina in Chianti
10-11/10/2020Coppa FaroPesaro
*** Non-Championship

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