
Calendar Austrian Hillclimb Championship 2018

The calendar for the Austrian Hillclimb Championship will receive a massive overhaul in 2018. The Bergrennen Altlengbach debuted last season as a non-championship event. Next year it is promoted to the championship as the fourth Austrian event in the schedule.
The Austrian Championship always visits their neighbouring countries. After focusing on the southern borders the past few years, the Austrians now move east into Slovakia. Baba and Jankov Vrsok are new additions to the championship. They replace Gorjanci and Cividale. The Croatian round moves from Cabar back to Buzet.

Someone made a mistake in Austria and I copied it onto here. Never trust anybody on the internet and certainly not me 😉
Anyway below is the totally real calendar, at least until it changes again 😉

25-26/04/2020Grosser Preis von Österreich, RechbergrennenTulwitz
16-17/05/2020Bergrennen Sankt Urban / SimonhöheSankt Urban
30-31/05/2020Ústecká 21Ústí nad Orlicí
06-07/06/2020Ecce HomoŠternberk
15-16/08/2020GHD LucineLucine
29-30/08/2020Petrol Ilirska BistricaIlirska Bistrica
12-13/09/2020PAV Pezinská BabaPezinok
26-27/09/2020Automobil Bergrennen Esthofen - St. AgathaSt. Agatha
03-04/10/2020Cividale CastelmonteCividale

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